This week we spent some time in our London office with ClearSpace’s Managing Director, Guy Spragg. Guy has worked in the City for the past 30 years helping businesses to work more efficiently and optimise their workspace.

Guy founded ClearSpace Group nearly two years ago at the start of the Pandemic and is on track for third successful year of growth. Guy’s answers to our questions showcase his good sense of humour as well as his passion for people. Learn a little more about Guy in 60 seconds, below…
What is your role at ClearSpace? My official job title is Managing Director. As a new business, initially I was involved quite heavily in the day to day running of ClearSpace and its financials but as we have grown, I have managed to take a step-back from this into more of a strategic role.
Which characteristics make a good Manager? Trust in your staff and being a good delegator. If you think you can do it all, your business will suffer. Listening to feedback from all areas of the business and accepting your own deficiencies will only improve your business.
What was the last book you read? Here Comes Trouble by Michael Moore, the American documentary maker and author. He speaks his mind where others fear to tread.
If you could time travel to a decade in the past, which decade and why? The 1960s looked a seriously good decade, with massive social upheaval some of which is still being felt and implemented today.
What did you study at Uni? Maths and statistics. Both not very well.
What’s your mission at ClearSpace Group? To oversee a business where people are valued and given the tools to succeed. This will ultimately lead to a successful Company.
Name 3 people that you would invite to a dinner party? Muhammed Ali, Bob Marley and Marilyn Monroe.
Favourite song of all time? ‘I will Survive’ by Cake.
What do you dislike? Ariel font, overuse of the word ‘super’ as an adverb and smiley faces on WhatsApp comments.
What are you most excited about? An application we are developing that will assist small-medium business owners with visibility of hybrid working patterns in their business.
What advice would you give your 12-year-old too serious? Don’t take yourself too seriously.
ClearSpace in three words? Agile, collaborative and welcoming.
Guy Spragg is one member of the Management team at ClearSpace Group. Meet the full team here.